
A new version of double field theory (DFT) is derived for the exactly solvable background of an in general left-right asymmetric WZW model in the large level limit. This generalizes the original DFT that was derived via expanding closed string field theory on a torus up to cubic order. The action and gauge transformations are derived for fluctuations around the generalized group manifold background up to cubic order, revealing the appearance of a generalized Lie derivative and a corresponding C-bracket upon invoking a new version of the strong constraint. In all these quantities a background dependent covariant derivative appears reducing to the partial derivative for a toroidal background. This approach sheds some new light on the conceptual status of DFT, its background (in-)dependence and the up-lift of non-geometric Scherk-Schwarz reductions.


  • Double Field Theory (DFT) is an approach along these lines [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]

  • A new version of double field theory (DFT) is derived for the exactly solvable background of an in general left-right asymmetric Wess-ZuminoWitten model (WZW) model in the large level limit. This generalizes the original DFT that was derived via expanding closed string field theory on a torus up to cubic order

  • DFT was derived from Closed String Field Theory (CSFT) expanding it up to cubic order on a torus1 [2]

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World-sheet theory for strings on a group manifold

We briefly review the WZW model and its current algebra providing the notation for the rest of the paper. For a more detailed review of WZW models, we refer to e.g. [36] or the appendix of [37]. We show how the various representations of a semisimple Lie algebra can be expressed in terms of scalar functions on the group manifold. Afterwards, we use this result to express two- and three-point correlators and show that they fulfill the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation [38]. We provide the two- and three-point off-shell amplitude for Kac-Moody primary fields

Wess-Zumino-Witten model and Kac-Moody current algebra
Two- and three-point correlation functions of Kac-Moody primaries
Doubled space and fundamental CSFT off-shell amplitudes
DFTWZW action and gauge transformations from CSFT
String fields for massless excitations and the weak constraint
CSFT at quadratic order Let us start with the leading order CSFT action
Interactions at cubic order In this section we compute the string function
Simplifying the action and gauge transformations
Generalized Lie derivative and C-bracket
Generalized Lie derivative and metric
The C-bracket
Closure of gauge algebra
Properties of the generalized covariant derivative
JK λJ1 λK2
About the relation of DFTWZW and DFT
Asymmetric WZW models as solutions to DFT
Uplift of genuinely non-geometric backgrounds
Conclusion and outlook
B Geometry of the three-point string vertex
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