
The Double Diamond approach was used to creatively solve problems during bioengineering projects and facilitate a bioprinting protocol in the hard science. Users reported difficulties while using a inkjet bioprinter for specific research involving overprint and predefined location in ophthalmic applications. Given the laboratory’s limited financial resources, the pursuit of low-cost solutions became essential, and the Double Diamond approach played a pivotal role in finding them. This method was chosen due to its high resolubility focused on generating creative solutions. Moreover, its emphasis on User Experience made it an accessible design process, benefiting both designers and non-designers and enhancing user adherence while enabling easy application within the multidisciplinary team. As a result of this research, a solution was discovered, allowing researchers to overcome the problem and continue their ongoing work while also facilitating the development of new projects. In conclusion, the successful implementation of the Double Diamond approach in this specific application highlights its potential to address challenges across diverse projects. Its adaptable nature and emphasis on user-centricity make it a valuable tool in tackling complex issues in various fields of development.

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