
In the rapidly evolving field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), efficiently storing and managing AI models is crucial, particularly as their complexity and size increase. This paper explores the strategic importance of AI model storage, focusing on performance, cost-efficiency, and scalability within the realm of customer churn prediction, utilizing model compression technologies. Deep learning networks, integral to AI models, have become increasingly large, necessitating millions of parameters. These parameters make the models computationally expensive and voluminous in storage requirements. Addressing these issues, the paper discusses the application of model compression techniques—specifically pruning and quantization—to mitigate the storage and computational challenges. The experimental results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method. These techniques reduce the physical footprint of AI models and enhance their processing efficiency, making them suitable for deployment on resource-constrained devices. Using these models in customer churn prediction in telecommunications illustrates their potential to improve service delivery and decision-making processes. By compressing models, telecom companies can better manage and analyze large datasets, enabling more effective customer retention strategies and maintaining a competitive edge in a dynamic market.

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