
The article is devoted to the study of word forms containing two or more different case suffixes. The types of double case marking have been identified, the area of their distribution has been clarified. It is established that the majority of typologically distinguished types of double case marking are represented in the Permian languages and their dialects: 1) elliptical (Simple headless adnominal) is represented in all Permian languages, it is widely used in the Udmurt language; 2) derivational takes place in the Komi languages during the formation of separate case forms of personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person plural; 3) the addition of locative suffixes (Case stacking) was characteristic of the early stages of the Permian languages. A typical example is the indicators of approximative-locative cases of the Komi languages, formed as a result of merging of the approximative suffix and suffixes of other locative cases, cf. керка-лань ‘towards the house’, керка-ланьысь 'from the house’, керка-ланьын 'near the house', etc.; 4) duplication of the vertex case with a nominal dependent (Headed adnominal with a case-marked head) is observed only with inversion and parcellation; 5) pleonastic (a combination of two case suffixes duplicating the same meaning). The duplication of the morphological expression of the case is fixed (in the Komi-Zyryan language, the suffixes of the genitive and the dative of nouns are added to the forms of the genitive and the dative of personal and intensifying personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person singular) and the double expression of the semantic-syntactic function of the case (in the Komi-Zyryan language, the suffixes of the elative and the comparative can be used simultaneously when expressing the comparative meaning). The properties of case suffixes in various types of double case marking and the possibility of their further development are noted. The empirical basis for the study was the original texts in the Komi-Zyryan, Komi-Permian and Udmurt languages from printed sources and electronic corpora.

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