
U-Net has achieved great success in the task of medical image segmentation. It encodes and extracts information from several convolution blocks, and then decodes the feature maps to get the segmentation results. Our experiments show that in a multi-scale medical segmentation task, excessive downsampling will cause the model to ignore the small segmentation objects and thus fail to complete the segmentation task. In this work, we propose a more complete method Double-branch U-Net (2BUNet) to solve the multi-scale organ segmentation challenge. Our model is divided into four parts: main branch, tributary branch, information exchange module and classification module. The main advantages of the new model consist of: (1) Extracting information to improve model decoding capabilities using the complete encoding structure. (2) The information exchange module is added to the main branch and tributaries to provide regularization for the model, so as to avoid the large gap between the two paths. (3) Main branch structure for extracting major features of large organ. (4) The tributary structure is used to enlarge the image to extract the microscopic characteristics of small organ. (5) A classification assistant module is proposed to increase the class constraint for the output tensor. The comparative experiments show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performances in real scenes.

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