
Summary A newborn white male had multiple congenital anomalies involving the genito-urinary system (exstrophic bladder, bifid and ectopic bladder, bifid and ectopic scrotum); musculoskeletal system (calcaneal valgus deformity of the left foot, diastasis, symphysis pubis, deformity of sacrum and fourth and fifth lumbar vertebr˦, deformed left innominate bone and acetabulum with congenital subluxation of femur); and musculocutaneous system (congenital flexion contracture of fascial band extending from the ischial tuberosity to the calcaneus, communicating hydrocele with right inguinal hernia secondary to lax hypoplastic abdominal musculature). The various surgical approaches included orthop˦dic, p˦diatric, plastic and urological surgery.

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