
Properties of an aggregate composed of two nearest-neighbour AsGa defects are examined. Such an aggregate behaves like a dimer in which the two constituents are weakly coupled giving rise to a double near-degeneracy of electronic states of the system. The system is unstable against the Jahn-Teller (J-T) distortion that couples pairs of nearly degenerate states. Usually the distortion is stabilized by localization of a single electron, or a pair of electrons, at one of the two AsGa defects. If one of the two electrons is excited into theT2 resonant state of individual AsGa then the vibronic coupling can be strong, and the resulting J-T effect can give rise to a metastable behaviour of the system. It is argued that the (AsGa)2 aggregate is the best candidate for EL2 centre in GaAs crystals.

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