
OZET Dogu Karadenizdeki bir belde ve ona bagli dokuz koyde yasayan bireylerin genital hijyen davranislarini belirlemek amaci ile yapilmistir. Tanimlayici nitelikteki bu arastirma, Aralik 2005–Eylul 2006 tarihlerinde 1658 birey uzerinde gerceklesmistir. Veriler arastirmacilar tarafindan gelistirilen soru formu ile toplanmis, sayi, yuzde ve ortalama ile degerlendirilmistir. Bireylerin %56.5’inin kadin, %43.5’inin erkek, %57.3’unun evli ve yas ortalamalarinin 34.61±15.32 oldugu saptanmistir. Kadinlarin %97.5’inin tuvalet sonrasi genital bolgesini temizledigi, bunlarin %39.9’unun bu temizligi yanlis ve gelisi guzel yaptigi belirlenmistir. Kadinlarin %42.2’sinin adet doneminde banyo yapmadigi, %49.8’inin bez kullandigi saptanmistir. Erkeklerin %44.7’si oturarak idrar yaptigini belirtmistir. Bireylerin renkli ic camasiri kullandigi (%41.1), genital bolgelerindeki tuyleri jiletle temizledikleri (%61.0), banyolarini iki-uc gunde bir (%56.8) ve oturarak yaptiklari (%57.7) bulunmustur. Bireylerin %69.5’i genital hijyen konusunda bilgi almak istemektedir. Bireylerin genital hijyene yeterince ozen gostermedikleri ve bu konuda egitime ihtiyaclarinin oldugu saptanmistir. Bireylere arastirmacilar tarafindan hazirlanan egitim kitapcigi ve brosurler esliginde bilinclendirme egitimleri verilmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Genital hijyen, kadin ureme sagligi, erkek ureme sagligi, saglik egitimi, hemsirelik ABSTRACT This study was carried out for determining attitudes to genital hygiene of individuals living in town and nine villages of township in East Black Sea Region. For this descriptive study, it was carried out 1658 individuals in the period December 2005-September 2006. A questionnaire form developed by the researchers was used as the data gathering tool. The data was evaluated with number, percentage, and average. Individuals were females 56.5%, males 43.5%, married 57.3%, and t he mean age of study participants was 34.61±15.32. It was found that 97.5% of the females cleaned their genital area; methods of cleaning the genital areas of 39.9% of them were wrong and haphazard. It was found that 42.2% of females did not take a shower during menstruation periods and 49.7% of them were using cloth. 44.7% of males were pee sitting down. The individuals were use colour underwear (41.4%), clean hair in genital areas by a regular razor (61.0%), bathing every few days (56.8%), and sit-down bath (57.7%). It was found that 69.5% of them were request information. It is concluded that the individuals do not pay attention to genital hygiene and therefore that they require educational support. In this context, an education plan had been prepared and given to them by researchers. Keywords : Genital hygiene, women's reproductive health, male reproductive health, health education, nursing

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