
OZET Bu calismada, Dogu Anadolu Kirmizisi sigirlarindan alinan kan orneklerinde transferrin ve hemoglobin tipleri belirlenmistir. Ayrica bu iki karakter bakimimdan Dogu Anadolu Kirmizisi Sigirlarinin genetik yapisi incelenmistir. Arastirmada transferrin gen yeri bakimindan S allel (TfA, TfB, TfDl, TfD2, TfF, TfE, TfG, TfH) tarafindan determine edilen 24 transferrin genotipi (Tf AA, Tf AB, Tf ADI, Tf AD2, Tf AF, Tf AE, TfBDl, TfBF, Tf BG, Tf DI DI, Tf DID2, Tf DIE, TfD2E, TfDIG, Tf EE, Tf EGf Tf DI F, TfGG, TfFF, TfFH, Tf EH r TfAG, Tf AH, BB) belirlenmistir. Hemoglobin gen yeri bakimindan ise 3 allel (HbA, HbB, HbF) ile tanimlanan 4 hemoglobin genotip (Hb AA, Hb AB, Hb AF, Hb BB) tesbit edilmistir. A RESEARCH ON THE POLYMORPHISM OF TRANSFERRIN AND HEAMOGLOBIN ON THE EASTERN ANATOLIAN RED CATTLEBREEDS SUMMARY In his research, the types of transferrin andheamoglobin in blood samples which taken from eastern anatolian red cattle breeds were determinedAlso the structure of genes in both characters were anatyzed. Twenty Four transferrin genotypes (Tf AA, Tf AB, Tf ADI, Tf AD2, Tf AF, Tf AE, TfBDl, TfBF, Tf BG, Tf D IDI, Tf D1D2, Tf DIE, Tf D2E, TfDIG, Tf EG, Tf DIF, Tf GG, Tf FF, Tf FH, Tf EH, Tf AG, Tf AH, Tf BB) which determined by eight alieles (TfA, T/B, TfDl, TfD2, T/E, TfP, TfG, T/H) were found study. Four heamoglobin variants genotypes (Hb AA, Hb Ab, Hb AF, Hb BB) Which fixed by ihree alieles (HbA, HbB, HbF) were determined in respect to heamoglobin genes structure.

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