
PurposeSkin collimation provides a sharp penumbra for electron beams, while the effect of bremsstrahlung from shielding materials is a concern. This phantom study was conducted to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a real‐time variable shape rubber containing‐tungsten (STR) that can be placed on a patient’s skin.MethodsElectron beam profiles were acquired with the STR placed on a water‐equivalent phantom and low melting‐point alloy (LMA) placed at the applicator according to commonly used procedures (field sizes: 20‐ and 40‐mm diameters). Depth and lateral dose profiles for 6‐ and 12‐MeV electron beams were obtained by Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and were benchmarked against film measurements. The width of the off‐axis distance between 80% and 20% doses (P 80‐20) and the maximum dose were obtained from the lateral dose profiles. Bremsstrahlung emission was analyzed by MC simulations at the depth of maximum dose (R 100).ResultsThe depth dose profiles calculated by the MC simulations were consistently within 2% of the measurements. The P 80‐20 at R 100 for 20‐ and 40‐mm diameters were 4.0 mm vs. 7.6 mm (STR vs. LMA) and 4.5 mm vs. 9.2 mm, respectively, for the 6‐MeV electron beam with 7.0‐mm‐thick STR, and 2.7 mm vs. 5.6 mm and 4.5 mm vs. 7.1 mm, respectively, for the 12‐MeV electron beam with 12.0‐mm‐thick STR. A hotspot was not observed on the lateral dose profiles obtained with the STR at R 100. The bremsstrahlung emission under the region shielded by the STR was comparable to that obtained with the LMA, even though the STR was placed on the surface of the phantom.ConclusionsSkin collimator with STR provided superior dosimetric characteristics and comparable bremsstrahlung emission to LMA collimator at the applicator. STR could be a new tool for the safe and efficient delivery of electron radiotherapy.

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