
The ICRP Statement on Tissue Reactions (2011), based on epidemiological evidence, recommended a reduction for the eye lens equivalent dose limit from 150 to 20 mSv per year. This paper presents mainly the dose estimations received by industrial gamma radiography workers, during planned or accidental exposure to the eye lens, Hp(10) and effective dose. A Brazilian Visual Monte Carlo Dose Calculation program was used and two relevant scenarios were considered. For the planned exposure situation, twelve radiographic exposures per day for 250 days per year, which leads to a direct exposure of 10 h per year, were considered. The simulation was carried out using a 192Ir source with 1.0 TBq of activity; a source/operator distance between 5 and 10 m and placed at heights of 0.02 m, 1 m and 2 m, and an exposure time of 12 s. Using a standard height of 1 m, the eye lens doses were estimated as being between 16.3 and 60.3 mGy per year. For the accidental exposure situation, the same radionuclide and activity were used, but in this case the doses were calculated with and without a collimator. The heights above ground considered were 1.0 m, 1.5 m and 2.0 m; the source/operator distance was 40 cm, and the exposure time 74 s. The eye lens doses at 1.5 m were 12.3 and 0.28 mGy without and with a collimator, respectively. The conclusions were that: (1) the estimated doses show that the 20 mSv annual limit for eye lens equivalent dose can directly impact industrial gamma radiography activities, mainly in industries with high number of radiographic exposures per year; (2) the risk of lens opacity has a low probability for a single accident, but depending on the number of accidental exposures and the dose levels found in planned exposures, the threshold dose can easily be exceeded during the professional career of an industrial radiography operator, and; (3) in a first approximation, Hp(10) can be used to estimate the equivalent dose to the eye lens.

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