
1. 1. Vitamin D 3 (5000 i.u. and 100 i.u./100 g body wt) and 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (0.5 unit, 5 units and 500 units/100 g body wt) were administered daily to the male catfish, Clarias batrachus for 17 days. The serum calcium and inorganic phosphate levels were measured colorimetrically. 2. 2. The serum calcium level increased significantly in all the treated groups and is dose-dependent. 3. 3. The serum inorganic phosphate was elevated in the treated groups (except in the group where only 100 units vitamin D 3/100 g body wt was administered). 4. 4. This is the first report of the 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D 3-induced hypercalcemia in fish.

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