
Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and its dimer diindolylmethane (DIM) are bioactive metabolites of a glucosinolate, glucobrassicin, found in cruciferous vegetables. Both I3C and DIM have been reported to possess pro-apoptotic, anti-proliferative and anti-carcinogenic properties via modulation of immune pathways. However, results from these studies remain inconclusive since they lack thorough evaluation of these bioactives’ physiological versus pharmacological effects. In the present study, we investigated I3C and DIM’s dose-dependent effects on cytokines production in human T lymphocytes Jurkat cell line (Clone E6-1). The results showed that I3C and DIM pretreatment, at higher concentrations of 50 and 10 μM, respectively, significantly increased PMA/ionomycin-induced interleukin-2 (IL-2), interleukin-8 (IL-8) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) production, measured by real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). As a plausible mechanism underlying such pronounced cytokine release, we found robust increase in downstream nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) and nuclear factor of activated T-cells 1 (NFAT1) signaling with I3C pretreatment, whereas DIM pretreatment only significantly induced NF-κB activation, but not NFAT1. We hypothesize that I3C/DIM pretreatment primes the T cells to become hyperresponsive upon PMA/ionomycin stimulation which in turn differentially induces two major downstream Ca2+-dependent inflammatory pathways, NF-κB and NFAT1. Our data show novel insights into the mechanisms underlying induction of pro-inflammatory cytokine release by pharmacological concentrations of I3C and DIM, an effect negligible under physiological conditions.


  • T lymphocytes serve as a critical component of cell-mediated immunity, involved in the modulation of other immune cell function and destruction of cells infected with pathogens [1,2]

  • Using Jurkat T-cells exposed to phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA)/ionomycin cocktail, we showed that I3C and DIM pretreatment, at high concentrations, can induce Ca2+-dependent downstream inflammatory pathways: I3C activates nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) and nuclear factor of activated T-cells 1 (NFAT1) signaling, while DIM, unlike I3C, acting through Nuclear factor (NF)-κB, led to elevated secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines

  • Since we observed a profound increase in pro-inflammatory cytokine levels following T-cell receptor activation (TCR)-induction of I3C/DIM pre-treated Jurkat cells, this observation prompted us to examine whether I3C and DIM pretreatment enhanced NF-κB signaling

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T lymphocytes serve as a critical component of cell-mediated immunity, involved in the modulation of other immune cell function and destruction of cells infected with pathogens [1,2]. We investigated the dose-dependent effects of I3C and DIM pretreatment on the regulation of inflammatory responses upon activation of TCR signaling. SSiimmiillaarrllyy,,II33CCaannddDDIIMMmmaarrkkeeddllyyiinnccrreeaasseeddPPMMAA//iioonnoommyycciinn--mmeeddiiaatteedd IILL--88 aanndd TTNNFF--αα eexxpprreessssiioonn,, wwhhiillee mmiinniimmaall cchhaannggeess iinn IILL--88 aanndd TTNNFF--αα wweerree oobbsseerrvveedd uuppoonn PPMMAA//aannttii--CCDD33 ssttiimmuullaattiioonn ((FFiigguurree 22BB,,CC)). Since we observed a profound increase in pro-inflammatory cytokine levels following TCR-induction of I3C/DIM pre-treated Jurkat cells, this observation prompted us to examine whether I3C and DIM pretreatment enhanced NF-κB signaling. We examined whether I3C and DIM can induce another downstream pathway involved in the regulation of pro-inflammatory cytokine release—NFAT signaling. The increased inflammatory response observed may be due to priming of the T-cells by I3C and DIM, rendering the cells more responsive to TCR stimulation This latter event can trigger activation of downstream NF-κB, and NFAT1 signaling, leading to a pronounced induction of inflammatory cytokines. Our observation in this study, serves as a caution for the use of these food bioactives in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, as use of I3C or DIM at pharmacological concentrations may aggravate the underlying inflammation in a vulnerable population and worsen disease outcome

Reagents and Antibodies
Cell Culture and Treatment
Cell Viability Assay
Real-Time PCR Analysis
Western Blot Analyses
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