
Abstracts/ Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 34( 2014) 3939 0.5 ng/ ml, and total intra-assay coefficient ofvariation for and stallions with severe testicular dysfunction. Oligo- the assay was 2.8%. spermia was induced in the stallions using a single dose of Differences between Group TREATED and Group CON- an indenonopyridine derivative, RTI-4587-073(1)( formerly TROL were analyzed using two samples t- test. Correlations called 1- CDB-4022) which is a compound with known anti- between RI, PI, total sperm number, TNPNS, total testicular spermatogenic properties. 15]. Oligospermic stallions had volume, and FSH were tested using Pearson product- cor- resistive blood flow in the testicular artery, which was re- relation procedure. flected in high values ofRI and Pl. Control stallions( normal testicular function) had non-resistive blood flow and low 3. Results values of RI and PI. The values of RI and PI were also negatively correlated with total sperm numbers, total All stallions

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