
Intrauterine growth restriction is defined as the condition we're fetal weight is <10 percentile, in case fetal weight is < 3rd percentile it is severe IUGR. IUGR is divided into maternal, fetal and placental causes. It is further classified as symmetric IUGR and Asymmetrical IUGR. Diagnosis of IUGR is made on USG and Doppler. Doppler study of umbilical artery, middle cerebral artery and Ductus venosus is used for prognosis in IUGR babies and also helps in deciding time and mode of delivery.Methodology: Our study includes 100 subjects that includes 50 patients with normal Doppler and 50 patients with abnormal Doppler. If we see association of maternal diseases we can see maternal diabetes, maternal hypertension, heart diseases, are associated with IUGR. Similarly congenital malformation of baby were associated with IUGR. With regards to perinatal outcome we can see NICU admission, perinatal mortality, ventilatory support in more in IUGR babies with abnormal Doppler. Furthermore we can see that adverse perinatal outcome in more in babies with combined abnormal umbilical and middle cerebral artery Doppler and in those with abnormal ductus venosus Doppler. If we go towards mode of delivery we can see that LSCS is seen in 80% of patients with abnormal Doppler while those with Normal Doppler vaginal delivery is seen in 36% of patients. Regarding timing of delivery we can see that 52% of IUGR patients with abnormal Doppler and 50% of IUGR patients with normal Doppler were terminated between 34-37 weeks of gestation.

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