
Corticostriatal synaptic integration is partitioned among striosome (patch) and matrix compartments of the dorsal striatum, allowing compartmentalized control of discrete aspects of behavior. Despite the significance of such organization, it is unclear how compartment-specific striatal output is dynamically achieved, particularly considering new evidence that overlap of afferents is substantial. Here we show that dopamine oppositely modulates glutamatergic synaptic integration in striosome and matrix striatal spiny projection neurons (SPNs). Activation of postsynaptic D1-type dopamine receptors promoted the generation of long-lasting synaptically-evoked “up-states” in matrix SPNs but opposed it in striosomes, which were more excitable under basal conditions. Compartment-specific differences in dendritic L-type voltage gated calcium channel (L-VGCC) availability determined the direction of dopaminergic modulation: manipulating L-VGCC engagement could reverse compartment-specific responses to D1 receptor activation. These results support a novel mechanism for the selection of striatal circuit components, where fluctuating levels of dopamine will shift the balance of compartment-specific striatal output.

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