
SHAM RAGE behavior in the cat, when produced by electrical stimulation 1,2 of the brain or by acute transection of the brain stem, 3 is associated with a fall in the Concentration of brain norepinephrine without change in the content of brain dopamine or serotonin. The fall in the concentration of norepinephrine appears to be the result of augmented activity of norepinephrine containing neurons 4,5 with the release of norepinephrine exceeding the rate of resynthesis. Furthermore, it has been proposed 6 that the neuronal release of norepinephrine is necessary for the appearance of the behavior, at least when produced by acute brain stem transection. If neuronal release of norepinephrine serves to trigger sham rage, it would be expected that norepinephrine (levarterenol bitartrate) introduced exogenously to receptor sites in the brain should also result in the excited behavior. However, this does not seem to be the case. When administered parenterally,

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