
Home automation is the implementation of information technology and control system to facilitate the daily life easier. The growth of technology make smartphone can control the home appliances. An automated device can work more flexible and efficient, including the use in unlocking door. For busy family or busy people, it is not easy to get out of the seat only to reach the door for unlocking people that already have known and made appointment before. The proposed system presents friendly expense design and implementation of home automation to unlock the door with authentication through speech command or pin via smartphone application. So, it is not only the open button from smartphone application that anyone can control, but also it is added an interface for speech command or pin which also can be useful as security. Users can change the password used by themselves. Thus, only users who know the password can control to unlock the door. The smartphone application designed facilitate the users to be free to choose the authentication between speech command or pin. In speech command, users can easily open the door with say it. Another work being tried is open the door with pin. It can help disabled people with speech impaired to be still able use the application. The design of proposed method is based on Android smartphone application, Bluetooth module and Arduino Board. Android smartphone application is used for serial communication to the Bluetooth module which is connected in Arduino Board to unlock the door. Besides it has low cost, Bluetooth based wireless home automation system can be easy implemented in the home. The suggested system is tested and it gives the expected system with more feature as authentication, either with speech command or with pin. Speech command enacted to the system is also tested the Bluetooth connectivity. The farthest range is 14 m to the controlled hardware system.

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