
In our daily life, short texts have been everywhere especially since the emergence of social network. There are countless short texts in online media like twitter, online Q&A sites and so on. Discovering topics is quite valuable in various application domains such as content recommendation and text characterization. Traditional topic models like LDA are widely applied for sorts of tasks, but when it comes to short text scenario, these models may get stuck due to the lack of words. Recently, a popular model named BTM uses word co-occurrence relationship to solve the sparsity problem and is proved effectively. However, both BTM and extended models ignore the inside relationship between words. From our perspectives, more related words should appear in the same topic. Based on this idea, we propose a model named RIBS-TM which makes use of RNN for relationship learning and IDF for filtering high-frequency words. Experiments on two real-world short text datasets show great utility of our model.

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