
Relevance. Root chicory is a valuable economic crop. However, its attractiveness for the producer is reduced due to the high labor intensity of cultivation and a high proportion of manual labor, primarily when harvesting root crops. Modern agricultural production is in urgent need of new varieties of root chicory that combine high yields and the necessary chemical and technological qualities, having the form of a root crop suitable for mechanized harvesting and adapted to cultivation in the soil and climatic conditions of the non-Chernozem zone of Russia. The purpose of this work is to test varieties of root chicory in a collection nursery in the Yaroslavl region.Material and methods. The research was conducted at the the Yaroslavl region. The material for research was three varieties of Dutch selection Wixor RS, Rexor RS, Luxor. The experience is based on the "Guidelines for the study and maintenance of the world's collection of root crops", recommended by VIR. Vavilov.Results. Investigated varieties in the soil and climatic conditions of the non-black earth zone of Russia were distinguished by a short root crop (up to 25 cm long) with a large diameter (up to 9 cm). We recommend them as donors in the selection of root chicory for suitability for mechanized harvesting. From long-term observations, it follows that the varieties Wixor RS, Rexor RS and Luxor are early-maturing. The length of their vegetative period does not exceed 125 days. This group of varieties is the most valuable when breeding for early maturity. Based on the analysis of the results of economic-biological and environmental studies of Dutch varieties of root chicory, it was found that they have high average values of certain economic-valuable characteristics and stability of their manifestation over the years.

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