
There are several non-profits and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in India that support a wide range of social causes. Some NGOs are large in size and outreach, whereas the majority are small in size and outreach. However, one thing that all NGOs have in common is the inflow of financial donations from well-wishers and donors. This project offers a simple open-source data platform for grass-roots NGOs with little resources to gather donations information, allowing them to move towards digitalization. This platform will assist them in correctly tracking their donations as well as categorizing them, allowing them to take better informed decisions in the foreseeable future utilizing the underlying data. On top of this data platform, the project also provides a donor analytics solution to help donors get started with analytics. It includes a MIS data dump as well as a thorough donor / donations exploratory data analysis dashboard. It then offers a more targeted segmentation and clustering solution, assisting the NGO in accurately categorizing their donations into distinct buckets. The research employs the well-known RFM Model for segmentation and the K-Means technique for grouping donors. This study divides the donor population into five categories based on the data utilized in this project: Loyal Donors, Big Donors, about to Lose Donors, Best Donors, and Lost Donors.

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