
Abstract : Joint Vision 2010 is the Chairman's template for the evolution of the Armed Forces to meet the challenges and the uncertainty of the future. Joint Vision 2010 builds upon information age advances to transform the traditional functions of maneuver, strike, protection, and logistics into four new operational concepts: (1) dominant maneuver, (2) precision engagement, (3) full dimensional protection, and (4) focused logistics. This paper defines dominant maneuver as American maneuver warfare for the early 21st century. The roots of modern U.S. maneuver theory are found in the German school of maneuver warfare. The U.S. Armed Forces learned the value of properly integrating operational concepts with technological advances from the German combat experiences in both world wars. Three considerations were key to the successful employment of German maneuver warfare in World War 2. Auftragstaktik provided decentralized execution through task oriented orders to increase freedom of action and initiative. Schwerpunkt required decisive strength at the focus of effort. Finding surfaces and gaps ensured placing Schwerpunkt against the enemy weakness. The current U.S. concept of maneuver is very similar to the German maneuver concept in World war 2. American maneuver theory and doctrine urge careful thought on the considerations of maneuver warfare and highlight the impact of technology. Information age intelligence, command and control, engagement, and mobility technological advances transform maneuver into dominant maneuver and permit the employment of more dispersed forces. In the end, however, only the commander can make this new concept dominant in battle. U.S. Armed Forces employing dominant maneuver will have a tremendous advantage over opponents across the range of military operations.

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