
This paper deals with the scientific and theoretical analysis of ill-treatment and forms of escalation of domestic violence in Kosovo. The importance of the paper lies in the scientific, practical and legal coverage of domestic violence, highlighting its causes and consequences, as well as the legal protection of victims of domestic violence based on domestic legislation and international legislation. Prevention of domestic violence is done in order to create an environment as good as possible, in which healthy family relationships would prevail and where democratic values and equality between family members would be respected, regardless of gender or status of members of the family. The steps planned to study this phenomenon draw attention to the further harmonization of national and international legislation; guaranteeing equal and non-discriminatory treatment of all individuals in society; considering and prioritizing the needs of victims (raped women, people with disabilities), expanding the network of services provided and improving their effectiveness in accordance with the required standards; providing immediate protection and long-term treatment to all members of the family affected by the violence, preparing a new generation with an open mind, without prejudices and gender stereotypes, and completely against gender-based violence and domestic violence.

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