
Qualitative research that reflects on the subjective processes and perceptions of domestic violence by detainees held at the Police Office for Women. The questions addressed were: what defines manhood? What models guided the formation of masculinity? What you liked and did not like to learn with models? How important is penis virility? What is the value of affection for the marital relationship? And violence was asked about the design of the informants. 10 questionnaires were administered to men with elementary schooling, first and second degree, all incomplete. Procedures we performed literature search, documentation and participant observation, obtaining the signature of the directors of the institution and subject to the consent search and open interviews with detainees who were willing to participate. Data are presented by using a code that includes both letters and numbers: Q1 to Q10. To collate the data analysis to the literature on masculinity and violence to the extent possible hermeneutic. The organization of the data was thematic. Results: the mother as a unique model for six informants; emphasis on domestic violence to the physical modality, which suggests that it was part of the socialization process of the informants, psychological violence was also quite cited. Conclusion: the informants’ perception of masculinity is still guided by the patriarchal perspective, domestic violence is a common practice not diminished by the passing of Law No. 11340/06 or Lei Maria da Penha.

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