
The problem of violence for women has increased during the pandemic period of COVID- 19. The present study was conducted to assess the status of women related to domestic violence during lockdown. This study was conducted in Badaun District and total fifty-five respondents were selected by snow ball technique. The data was collected through telephonic communication. The findings of the present study show that the status of physical, psychological, financial and sexual violence for working women was similar that of women who were housewives and this similarity was found to be insignificant (t= 1.01, 0.17, 0.08, 0.45) continuously. The status of sexual violence in women of below 30 years (4.11) was not different to that of women above 30 years (4.45) and it was evident from the t value (0.97) which was insignificant. This study highly recommended focusing on the situation of women and it suggests that awareness programs should be arranged by which the women would not hesitate to discuss their problems regarding the violence which they might be facing.

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