
Georgiy Yosypovych Burchynsky (1908 — 1993) — Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of Ukraine, and laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine. G. Y. Burchynsky, throughout his life, was brought up on the traditions of the Kyiv therapeutic school. A close relationship with the Kyiv therapeutic school largely determined his personality as a doctor, teacher, scientist, and head of the department. In the years 1954 — 1962, Georgiy Yosypovych was the head of the Department of Therapy at the School of Dentistry. Since 1962, he had been the head of the Department of Faculty Therapy at the Kyiv Medical Institute for 24 years. G. Y. Burchynsky paid much attention to the study of pulmonary pathology. Based on the research materials, the monograph «Suppurative processes in the lungs» was issued in 1950. In particular, G. Y. Burchynsky developed a pathogenetic classification of pulmonary suppurations. One of the first in Ukraine, he applied the technique of endobronchial administration of antibiotics, He developed and introduced into practice the technique of zonal, or local, instillation using a bronchoscope. Gastrointestinal diseases have always been in the focus of Kyiv therapeutic school. G. Y. Burchynsky paid special attention attention to the problems of peptic ulcers. As a result, new data were obtained about this disease, which is outwardly clear but inwardly mysterious. G. Y. Burchynsky and his colleagues did a detailed study on the course of peptic ulcers, even during wartime. They looked at the etiology, pathogenesis, changes in the ultrastructure of the gastric mucosa, general changes, and questions about pathogenetic therapy for this disease. Experimental studies on the model of reproduction of a hypothalamic ulcer, as well as the results of studying the ultrastructure of gastroduodenal mucosa, confirmed the importance of the disturbances of nervous trophism. An experimental study on the pharmacodynamics of anticholinergics, which suppress cholinergic stimulation of the stomach and duodenum, showed that they can be used in clinical practice as a way to treat peptic ulcer disease. Under the supervision of G. Y. Burchynsky, two doctoral dissertations on the problem of peptic ulcers were defended at the department. Observations and results of the studies, performed by Georgiy Yosypovych and his colleagues, are reflected in the papers and monographs, such as “Peptic Ulcer,” “Clinical Gastroenterology,” and the relevant chapters of multi­volume guidelines and the Big Medical Encyclopedia.

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