
In this paper we develop and test a model to explain travel expenditures in the United States by Canadians. The model examines a consumer's choice problem where in- come is allocated between domestic and foreign consumption. Consumers do not know the foreign price level and base their spending in part on expected foreign price. In addition to expected foreign price, domestic price, exchange rates, income, and foreign price uncertainty influence travel spending. Empirically, each determinant is statistically significant. The con- tribution of each determinant, however, is not the same: Canadian prices and the exchange rate are the primary factors influencing Canadian travel spending. JEL Classification: FiO Prix interieur, prix etranger (anticipe), et de,penses de voyage des Canadiens aux Etats- Unis. Ce memoire d6veloppe et calibre un modele pour expliquer les d6penses de voyage des Canadiens aux Etats-Unis. Le modele examine le probleme du choix du consommateur

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