
The basis of investment activity is real investment, and in modern conditions, for most enterprises, it is the only type of capital investment. All forms of real investment can be reduced to three main areas: capital investment, innovative investment and investment in the growth of current assets. The choice of specific forms of real investment in enterprises depends on the tasks set and the chosen development strategy. Capital investment is a fundamental parameter of the reproductive process, which determines the possibility of renewal of fixed capital, structural reforms, sustainable long-term economic and social development of the country. However, the dynamics of the Ukrainian economy is characterized by the presence of a number of systemic problems that require urgent resolution and shape the risks for further economic growth. The dynamics of capital investments in Ukraine in recent years is characterized by persistent trends and confirms the rise of investment activity. For Ukraine, there is a significant uneven development of capital investment in a regional context. Almost all capital investments were made into tangible assets (93.3% of total capital investment). Directing funds into an active part of tangible non-current assets helps to increase the efficiency of investments and increases the motivation for further investing. At the same time, the fact that investments in intangible assets remain less priority investment in Ukraine is negative. Although today they are the key economic resource of the modern economies of the developed countries of the world. After all, intangible assets represent the existing intellectual and information potential of the enterprise, which introduces technological changes in the production process, marketing, organizational and other innovations in accordance with the requirements of the new innovative model of the economy. Financing of investment activity can take place both at the expense of domestic and foreign investors. The main source of investment in Ukraine from year to year remains the own funds of national enterprises and organizations. The national economy needs to improve the legal and organizational framework to improve the functioning of mechanisms for ensuring a favorable investment climate and ensuring the competitiveness of the domestic economy.. Keywords : sources of financing, innovative investments, capital investments, real investments.

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