
The Study investigates domestic energy utilization and potentials of alternative sources of energy in Mubi metropolis of Adamawa State. To achieve the objectives of this study, data were collected using questionnaire. A total of 108 sets of questionnaire were retrieved and analyse using descriptive statistics. Some of the data collected from respondents include; types of energy used for various purposes, factors that influence such use and preferences for the different types of energy. Other information which cannot be collected using questionnaire were obtained from published and unpublished materials. The findings show that households rely more on fuel-wood. Economic factors were found to influence the choice of energy used in homes. Solar energy and wind energy have high potentials as alternative energy source that will help in mitigating climatic change. The study concludes that households in Mubi metropolis tend to climb the energy ladder from low grade energy types to modern energy when income increases and such energy are made available. The study recommends that households be sensitized on the health and environmental effects of traditional energy. Households should be encouraged to use modern and alternative sources of energy in order to mitigate climate change. Such energies should also be made affordable and available since majority of the respondents were willing to switch when made affordable.
 Keywords: Domestic energy, alternative energy, climate change, firewood.
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