
Domain-specific modelling langugages (DSMLs), which are tailored to the requirements of their users, can significantly increase the acceptance of formal (or at least semi-formal) modelling in scenarios where informal drawings and natural language descriptions are predominant today. We show in this paper how the Resource Description Framework (RDF), which is a standard for the fundamental data structures of the Semantic Web, and algebraic graph transformations on these data structures can be used to realise the abstract syntax of such DSMLs. We examine a small DSML for IT infrastructures as an application scenario. From this scenario, we derive distributed modelling, evolution of language definitions, migration of legacy models and integration of modelling languages as key requirements for a DSML framework. RDF and transformation rules are then used to provide a solution, which meets these requirements, where all kinds of modifications-from simple editing steps via model migration to language integration-are realised by the single, uniform formalism of algebraic graph transformation.KeywordsModelling LanguageResource Description FrameworkTransformation RuleGraph TransformationAbstract SyntaxThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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