
Domain switching characteristics of lead zirconate titanate ceramics with and without poling under compressive loading are investigated using electron backscatter diffraction. For loading in the poling direction, the switching strain is stronger than that for loading perpendicular to the poling direction. There is strong domain switching when the domain (c-axis of the tetragonal structure) is orientated close to the loading direction. A large number of domains are switched between 85.4° and 90.0°, with many crossing the loading axis. Each grain consists of domains with three different patterns; i.e., with c-axis orientated in three directions in each grain. The patterns remain unchanged even with domain switching and strong deformation. However, the ratios among the patterns depend on compressive stress. Under stress, one or two specific domain modes are switched to about 90°, although others are not switched as much. These domain switching characteristics are related to the poling and loading directions. 90° domain switching model is proposed on the basis of twin deformation model. Due to the aspect ratio of c/a=1.014 (tetragonal structure), the angle of the switching is less than 90° (89.2°). This angle is corresponding to the switching angle obtained by an electron backscatter diffraction analysis (Ave. 88.9°).

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