
Various magnetic properties of magnetic minerals show strong grain-size depen-dence. This dependency occurs because these parameters are influenced by the magnetic grain-size (domain state) of the samples. Natural rocks often contain a mixture of different magnetic minerals with different grain-size (domain states). Thus determination of the domain state is important. The Saatly ultradeep well’s volcanics were used as a research material. In the depth intervals of 3540—8126 m the volcanics had been revealed by the borehole. According to data of the petrographic and microprobe analysis the volcanogenics of the ultradeep borehole is conditionally divided into a two parts: 1) the upper part (an interval of depths of 3540—5500 m); 2) the bottom part (an interval of depths of 5500—8126 m). In the upper part of section according to microprobe analysis of volcanogenic rocks ore grains are presented by two generations: 1) large grain of titanomagnetites (Ti-poor), homogeneous or with a decay structures; 2) small-sized usually well faced grain of practically stoichiometric magnetite. So, homogeneous small-sized grains or fragments of decay large grains (which are strongly changed chemically) can have properties of single-domain particles. Here the ferromagnetic grains (especially in the depth interval 3540—5000 m) are often noted as a pseudo-single domain. In the bottom part of the section the presence of multidomain grains of the Ti-poor titano-magnetite is noted. And since depths of 7000 m the oxidized magnetite is also observed. The pseudo-single-domain grains are fixed much less than in the upper section. And, since a depth mark of 7300 m and deeper, they are absent wholly. In the result of rese-arch it turned out that the ferromagnetic is presented by basically multidomain grains. It should be noted that Lauri—Fuller’s Criterion is not applicable at identification of a domain structure of the complex ensemble of the ferromagnetic grains.


  • For the first time magne­ Environmental conditions of generation tometric researches of volcanogenic rock co­ of ferromagnetic minerals and changes of re of the super deep Saatly well have been them leave traces on magnetic domain struc­ conducted by the staff of department “Geo­ ture [Stackey, Banerjee, 1974]

  • For magnetic researches of a core of the Saat- realization of this purpose we used four mag­ ly super deep well has been dictated by ne­ netic criteria

  • The criteria are based on cha­ ed in obtaining the petromagnetic data used racteristics of various magnetic parameters at interpretations of results of geophysical of magnetic grains with different magnetic activity

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Of 15 km) is spaced in the Kur basin placed Object of our researches are the volcabetween the Greater Caucasus and the Les­ nics located in the depths interval of 3540—. Debatable idea of crustal structu­ The depth interval of 3540—3900 m is chare within the Saatly local gravitational maxi­ racterized by plagioclase basalts and is mamum was formed in two points of view. To the second — the Earth crust is single­ The depth interval of 3900—4850 m conlayer and it is presented by mafic rocks on­ tains porphyritic olivine-pyroxene-plagioly. Along with low-potas­ thermal remanent magnetization (TRM) wesium basalts potassium-enriched groups ha­ re measured on a magnetometer JR-4 In the depth interval of 5209—6100m the on an automatic thermomagnetometer with double-pyroxene-plagioclase basalts and an­ sensitivity 110-4 A/m.

Stepwise demagnetization by increasing
SD basalt
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