
The short story "Pengelana Laut" by Linda Christanty focuses on the theme of preserving dolphins. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the environmental phenomena and the importance of environmental education in the story. This qualitative design presents descriptive data using the Grag Garrard ecocritical approach. The primary data source is the short story "Pengelana Laut," published in Kompas newspaper and ruangsastra.com, containing words, phrases, and sentences related to marine ecological phenomena, collected using the literature study techniques. The data obtained were analyzed using interactive interpretive models involving data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing/verifying. The NVivo software program was used to code the data. The result showed that the short story contains various environmental phenomena, such as pollution, wilderness, apocalypse, dwelling, animals, and earth, with a focus on the exploitation of dolphins by humans. In conclusion, environmental education is crucial for dolphin conservation, hence it is imperative to incorporate such material in literacy skills for students to cultivate a sense of concern for and environmental preservation of marine life.

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