
Two dolomite facies that exhibit little petrographic evidence of their original textures are interpreted to be integral parts of two bioherms. A core facies of rugose corals (Vesiculophylum), pelmatozoans, cephalopods, and brachiopods in a peloid wackestone-packstone matrix forms two mounds 50 × 40 m and 110 × 75 m in diameter and 7 and 20 m high, resting on a basal unit of foraminiferal (endothyrid) ooid, coated-grain grainstone. These mounds are surrounded and onlapped by a bedded flank facies with relic cross-bedding that forms a halo 15-40 m wide around each mound. The facies consists of very coarsely to coarsely crystalline dolomite, but field evidence shows that it was originally detrital and is coeval with the core facies. It grades laterally away from th core into a distal flank-intermound facies of dolomudstone interbedded with millimeter-thick laminae of dolomite peloid packstone. This facies occurs up to 100 m from the mounds. Corals in the core facies have been replaced and cemented by nonferroan, nonluminescent sparry calcite at temperatures of at least 200°C. The matrix of micrite and skeletal grains is composed of nonferroan, red-orange luminescent calcite. Diagenetic changes have been modest. In contrast, the two flank facies show obliteration of original textures and replacement by inclusion-rich, nonferroan, red-luminescent, anhedral to subhedral dolomite at temperatures of a least 165°C. Other than appealing to differences in original porosity and susceptibility to subsurface fluids, it is difficult to explain why these closely associated facies have followed such divergent diagenetic paths. End_of_Article - Last_Page 318------------

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