
AbstractDolichozelia gen. nov. and its type species Dolichozelia caete gen. et sp. nov. from the subfamily Dexiinae are described from São Paulo (Brazil). The description of Neozelia alini Guimarães, 1975 was the last description of a new genus of Neotropical Dexiini; and after almost 50 years, the description of Dolichozelia gen. nov. constitutes the first new genus of Dexiini from the Neotropical region since Guimarães’ contribution. Prior to this study, 64 genera of Dexiini were known from the Neotropics, the larger tribe of Dexiinae. Herein, a diagnostic key for the Zelia group of genera is given, with the inclusion of Dolichozelia gen. nov. In addition, a brief systematic discussion on dexiines is given in order to further discuss the systematic position of Dolichozelia gen. nov. in the tribe Dexiini. The new genus can be easily distinguished from the other genera in the tribe, mainly by the following combination of characters: legs very elongate, about 3× the length of the abdomen; abdomen about 3× the length of the thorax; syntergite 1 + 2 with a pair of marginal median setae and tergite 3 with two to three equal sized pairs of discal setae; tergite 5 elongate, ending in conical structure. Finally, a description and illustration of the male terminalia is provided for the new genus and species.

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