
The relative contribution of the Sertoli cell and the pachytene spermatocyte to dolichol and N-linked oligosaccharide biosynthesis within the seminiferous tubule was investigated. Evidence is presented to show that the interaction between these two cell types affects dolichol and N-linked oligosaccharide biosynthesis. Analysis of the dolichol content of Sertoli cultures confirms earlier data suggesting that the Sertoli cell constitutes the major pool of dolichols within the seminiferous tubule. [14C]Acetate incorporation studies suggest that the Sertoli cell in culture synthesizes dolichol much more rapidly than does the isolated pachytene spermatocyte. This information, in addition to previous data in the literature, infers an interactive effect whereby the presence of the spermatogenic cell in the tubule stimulates dolichol synthesis in the Sertoli cell. The absence of normal Sertoli-spermatocyte interactions in in vitro incubations may also limit dolichol synthesis in the pachytene spermatocyte. The distribution of dolichol kinase between the Sertoli and the pachytene spermatocyte was also examined. The concentration of this enzyme in the Sertoli cell suggests the presence of an active salvage pathway within that cell. The correlation between the appearance of the pachytene spermatocyte and the previously described peak of dolichol kinase activity in the seminiferous tubules of the prepubertal animal implies cell-cell interactions. Radiolabelling studies of N-linked oligosaccharides were conducted using [3H]mannose and concanavalin A affinity chromatography to identify multiantennary, biantennary, and high-mannose oligosaccharide pools. An in vitro bicameral coculture system was used to demonstrate that pachytene spermatocytes stimulate incorporation of [3H]mannose into Sertoli cell oligosaccharides.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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