
Ethylene glycol (EG) poisoning is one of the most common toxicosis in dogs, even a small amount being lethal if the antidote is not administered on time. Once ingested the breakdown products of the toxic cause acute renal failure. Neurological signs include dizziness, ataxia, and seizures similar to those from idiopathic epilepsy or other neurologic disorder. The aim of this study was to describe electroencephalographic changes in dogs suffering from EG toxicosis using a repeated short time electroencephalographic (EEG) recording. EEGs was performed on 5 mixed breed with ages between 4 and 9 years old suffering from EG poisoning, free of other neurologic disorders or previous seizures.Electroencephalographic recording was obtained using five subdermal needle electrodes placed using the Redding model. The EEG was recorded with sensitivity = 70I¼V/cm; time constant = 0.3 seconds impedance of all electrodes < 10 kI©. Each patient was EEG analysed at every 24 hours.The EEG trace was normal in the initial state. With toxicosis progression different EEG anomalies were observed. The EEG traces slightly voltated presented an initially slowed background activity of 5-7 cycles/second, above which synchronous bilateral diffuse delta waves where registered, as an expression of cortical or subcortical neuronal hyperexcitability state. In advanced stages, when the patients elicit seizures clinically, the EEG recording trace became irregular and arrhythmic with epileptic abnormalities.

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