
Dog10K: the International Consortium of Canine Genome Sequencing.


  • BIOINFORMATIC ANALYSIS AND DATA DISTRIBUTIONThe Consortium will build a standard pipeline for single nucleotide variants (SNVs) calling based on the Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) best practices [7] and will produce analysisready BAM files for each sample

  • The worldwide canine genetics genomics communities recently formed the International Consortium of Canine Genome Sequencing, called the Dog10K Consortium, to address major research questions regarding the genetic underpinnings of domestication, breed formation, aging, behavior and morphologic variation, and to advance our understanding of human and canine health [6]

  • De novo genome assembly will be undertaken for both breed dogs and wild canids using a variety of technologies, including Pacific Biosciences long-reads (PacBio) (100×), Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC)end sequencing, optical mapping (Bionano Saphyr), phased haplotypes (60x by the 10x genomics platform), chromosome conformation (Hi-C), etc

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The Consortium will build a standard pipeline for SNV calling based on the Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) best practices [7] and will produce analysisready BAM files for each sample. The FASTQ, BAM and G.VCF files will be stored and shared through the Genome Sequence Archive (http://gsa.big.ac.cn/). Big.ac.cn/idog/) to share omics data [8], [i.e. the data set of variations (SNVs, CNVs, SVs and MEIs), haplotype, gene expression, parameters of population genetics, etc.]. Dog10K data will allow for signatures of selection to be associated with specific traits and local adaptation processes in wild canid populations to be identified, both of which will serve as a basis for investigating the potential role of polygenic selection in canines, none of which have been studied to date. The transition of the process to studies of disease will be permitted by this large data set This aim is important, since the link between canine and human health has generated the most interest within the biomedical community. Advancing our understanding of common human diseases through studies of comparable diseases based on genomic approaches is key to the overall success of Dog10K

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