
Lichen planus (LP) is a moderately prevalent inflammatory disorder that affects the skin and the oral mucosa, leading to a characteristic appearance and causing severe itching. To assess the potency of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) as an antipruritic line of treatment in patients with LP. We enrolled 30 patients with LP who had a history of recurrent relapses of confined pruritus forcing them to scratch or rub the affected area intensively. Patients were treated with TENS three times per week for 4weeks. Severity of itching was estimated by visual analogue scale (VAS) and Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI). There was a statistically significant decline in mean VAS score at weeks 2 and 4 of treatment compared with baseline (P<0.05, with 74% of participants having an improvement of >50%. Significant improvement in itching intensity also resulted in better quality of life, as there was also a significant reduction in median DLQI at weeks 2 and 4 of therapy compared with baseline (P<0.05), with 65% of patients having an improvement of >50% in median DLQI score. TENS may be an alternative safe treatment for LP-induced itching.

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