
Michael Hart spent 28 years writing a book called The Hundred Greats and after he finished writing it, he announced in his lecture in London about the greatest personality in history, and the audience whistled at him and interrupted him with protest and screaming so that his speech would not be completed... saying: [The man stopped in a small village, which is Mecca. He said to the people in it: I am the Messenger of God to you... I came to perfect your morals. So he believed with him four. His wife, a friend, and two children! Now, after 1400 years, the number of Muslims has exceeded one and a half billion, and every day it is increasing. It cannot be a liar because no lie lives 1400 years. No one can ever deceive more than a billion and a half people. There is one more thing. Despite the passage of this long time, there are millions of Muslims who are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of a word that affects their Prophet. He is the greatest character in history(Hart,1978). furthermore, educational drama exists in Islam and our prophet Muhammad PBUH used the Drama and its techniques such as acting, Role-play, Mime, Simulations, practice, repeat things, and story-telling and all of these methods and techniques related to Drama.

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