
Does the Addition of High Strength Wastes Affect Biosolids Quality?San Francisco Water, Power, Sewer, the municipal agency charged with collecting and treating San Francisco's wastewater, has been conducting demonstration activities for a Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) to Biodiesel pilot at the City's Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant (OSP). This project allows for the feeding of filtered trap waste or refined waste streams, such as brown grease directly to...Author(s)Natalie V. SierraMorayo NoibiBonnie M. JonesSourceProceedings of the Water Environment FederationDocument typeConference PaperPublisherWater Environment FederationPrint publication date Mar, 2012ISSN1938-6478DOI10.2175/193864712811693902Volume / Issue2012 / 2Content sourceResiduals and Biosolids ConferenceCopyright2012Word count138

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