
Recently, much discussion has centred on disproportionate dependence of certain racial groups on SNAP programme. This racial overture is sparked by comments made during the Fox News-Wall Street Journal Republican Presidential debate by Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House, who asserted that President Obama is a 'food stamp president'. This stereotypic SNAP overture is posting a larger narrative about government assistance and disproportionate dependence of some racial minority groups on government programmes. However, are majority of SNAP recipients fit minority profiling? We explain this overarching question through geospatial study of racial and spatial equity in government welfare programmes on food stamp. Specifically, this study explains the variations in participation votes in the food stamp programme using census tract data for counties and metropolitan areas as case examples. In addition to profiling the food stamp population across state, this study provides information required for developing the targeted nutrition education campaign.

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