
Service quality is widely used and experimented in various sectors. Five dimensions of service quality are the dimensions that can be applied in every sector whether manufacturing or services sector. This paper is also aimed to see impact of service quality on satisfaction and motivation of students. Finally importance of satisfaction and motivation is also searched for performance of students. This paper is useful to see the importance of service quality to satisfy customers. SERVQUAL model of service quality given by Parasuraman et al. (1988) is used. It contains five dimensions tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. Findings show significance of relationship between dimensions of service quality that is, tangibles, assurance and empathy with satisfaction while tangible, responsiveness and assurance are significantly related with student motivation. Finally looking, at the performance aspect of students academic career it has been observed that both student’s satisfaction and motivation are important for better performance of students. Key words: Service quality, educational sector, students, motivation, satisfaction, performance.

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