
ABSTRACTKnickzones are large rock outcrops found in upstream and middle plateau river basins. This kind of geological formation, which is considered a macrohabitat, creates a complex of mesohabitats: pools, riffles and runs, with distinct characteristics. In the present work, the aim was to evaluate the influence of connectivity and seasonality on the trophic structure of the ichthyofauna found in knickzone pools. Fish were sampled in four connected and three isolated pools, during dry and rainy seasons, and the stomach contents of 20 species were analyzed. Seasonal differences in diet occurred, with greater contribution of algae and aquatic hexapod in the dry season and of plant fragments and organic matter in the rainy season. The high diet overlap found in the isolated pools may be related to more intensive biotic interactions among individuals confined in physically restricted habitats. Seasonality in combination with connectivity to the main channel influenced the trophic structure of fish assemblage in the knickzone. Knickzones dynamics are modulated by seasonal events, such as floods, and connectivity of habitats, being extremely important for the trophic interactions between species. Alterations to these dynamics, like the construction of hydroelectric power plants, can modify significantly the trophic ecology of knickzones.

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