
We show that, with proper modification of the pump field description from plane-wave to spherical-like, which serves to incorporate geometric effects that were discarded in the plane-wave model, the efficiency of the spontaneous parametric down conversion process exhibits dependence on pump intensity, contrary to previous theoretical predictions. Experimental investigations of this behavior are carried out under focused pumping conditions, where pump divergence is kept constant, and pairs of photons are collected behind an aperture that is large compared to the overall down-conversion profile. The resulting photon yield is found to exhibit a strong dependence on pump intensity, and an enhancement of the down-conversion efficiency is observed. The modified pump field description is also modeled numerically and calculations are presented, which are found to display good accordance with experimental observations. The enhanced yield of spontaneous parametrically down-converted photons will prove beneficial for many practical applications of entangled photon pairs where a high flux is desired.

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