
AbstractNeotropical ecosystems between treeline and snowline, called páramos, stretch along Andean ranges from Costa Rica to northern Peru. The páramo climate is characterized by regular night frosts occurring throughout the year. Páramo plants use two strategies to deal with freezing temperatures. They either avoid ice formation in the tissues or tolerate extracellular ice formation. We tested the microclimate hypothesis, which suggests that the freezing resistance of the páramo plants is determined by plant height, that is, that taller plants experience a milder microclimate and avoid freezing, whereas smaller plants are exposed to the more extreme thermal conditions near the ground and tolerate them. We measured the temperature at which ice formed inside the plants (the ‘exotherm’), and compared it with the temperature at which 50% damage to the tissue occurred (Lt50); a significant difference between the exotherm and Lt50 would indicate freezing tolerance whereas the absence of a difference would indicate avoidance by supercooling. We analysed the freezing resistance of 38 common Ecuadorian páramo species. We found no correlation between plant height and freezing resistance mechanism or injury temperature and reject the microclimate hypothesis. Tolerant plants reach higher altitudes than avoidant plants, but their altitudinal ranges largely overlap and the Lt50 does not differ between them. These results suggest that there is no qualitative difference between the two strategies to survive the páramo frosts. Shrub leaves were injured at significantly lower temperatures than other life forms, such as herbs, which may reflect leaf anatomical differences among the plants.

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