
Recently, 7-methylheptadecane and 7,11-dimethylheptadecane have been reported as sex pheromone components of both spring hemlock looper (SHL), Lambdina athasaria, and pitch pine looper (PPL), Lambdina pellucidaria. Our objective was to test the hypothesis that SHL and PPL are reproductively isolated, in part, through species specificity in: (1) absolute configuration of pheromone components, (2) diel periodicity of pheromonal communication, and/or (3) seasonal flight period. In coupled gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) analyses of stereoselectively synthesized (7S)- and (7R)-7-methylheptadecane [7S; 7R] as well as (7S,11S)-, (7R,11R)-, and (meso-7,11)-7,11-dimethylheptadecane [7S,11S; 7R,11R; meso-7,11], only 7S and meso-7,11 elicited responses by male SHL and PPL antennae. In field experiments, male SHL and PPL were attracted only to lures containing 7S plus meso-7,11. In hourly recordings of trap-captured males, SHL and PPL in their respective habitats were trapped between 24:00 and 03:00 hr. Capture of both SHL and PPL in pheromone-baited traps throughout June indicated overlapping seasonal flight periods. These findings of identical absolute configuration of pheromoal components, diel periodicity of pheromonal communication, and overlap of seasonal flight periods support synonymy of SHL and PPL. Finite taxonomic classification of PPL and SHL must await careful assessment of further criteria, such as morphometrics, molecular comparisons and ecological analyses.

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