
Examining the role of personality in the relationship between organizational justice perception and job satisfaction might be crucial to improve organizations’ performance levels. The aim of the present study is, therefore, to investigate the moderating effect of personality factors on the relationship between organizational justice perception and job satisfaction. In total, 392 (218 female; 174 male) employees participated in the study. The mean age of the participants was 33.12 and the mean of experience was 116.46 months. The majority of the participants are healthcare professionals, academicians, engineers and teachers. The participants completed the Organizational Justice Scale, Job Satisfaction Index, Big Five Personality Inventory and demographic information form. The moderated regression analyses were conducted by using the Hayes PROCESS macro for SPSS. In all analyses, gender and age were entered as the control variables since they had correlations with the main study variables. Results indicate that types of organizational justice are predictors of job satisfaction and personality factors serve as moderators of the relationship between perceived organizational justice and job satisfaction. Among the personality factors, only neuroticism did not have any moderating effect. The findings might be considerable to draw attention to the necessity of managers to apply different strategies for their employees with different personality traits in order to provide a fair work environment for their employees and to increase their job satisfaction.

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