
The greatly increasing use of medicinal cannabis products as well as the upcoming legalization of cannabis not only require ageneral re-evaluation of how these substances might be classified as illegal drugs, but also enforce acritical view on the possible consequences that cannabis consumption might have on the anesthesiological strategies applied for surgical procedures. Although high-quality clinical studies are still lacking, several clinical studies meanwhile indicate that an active preoperative cannabis consumption seems to be associated with relevant pathophysiological aspects. Patients who regularly consume high doses of cannabis show an increased risk of cardiovascular and respiratory complications as well as the postoperative nausea and vomitting (PONV) associated with anesthesia. This also applies to relatively young patients. Moreover, the requirements for general anesthetics and analgesics seem to be increased in the context of cannabis consumption, e.g., these patients may require additional efforts when it comes to monitoring the depth of anesthesia and providing apersonalized multimodal postoperative pain therapy. It therefore appears to be meaningful to carefully assess and document the extent and duration of the preoperative cannabis consumption during the preoperative assessment. Furthermore, the possibility to perform apreoperative dose reduction of cannabis products in cases with high doses should at least be considered. As the consumption of cannabis is not only increasing in Germany but also worldwide, important future insights will offer aguide towards asafe handling of cannabis in perioperative medicine in the coming years.

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