
This study aims to identify the relationship between learning motivation towards Economics learning achievement of high school students in Bogor Regency, West Java. This research used a quantitative approach. The subject of the study were class XI students of Bogor Regency State High School. The data analysis technique used was inferential statistics using the SPSS 23.0. This correlation study produces data: (1) there are positive and significant relationship between learning motivation and Economics learning achievement, (2) learning motivation of high school students throughout Bogor Regency influences Economics learning achievement, and (3) the increasing motivation of high school students in Bogor Regency will also increase the achievement of learning Economics as well. This study proves that dominantly learning motivation influences Economics learning achievement of high school students in Bogor Regency with a percentage of 70.8%. The results of this study can be followed up by providing guidance and counseling services with the aim of increasing the learning motivation of students who have low motivation to learn.


  • This study aims to identify the relationship between learning motivation towards Economics learning achievement of high school students in Bogor Regency, West Java

  • Above, it can be seen in the significance (2-tailed) showing a significance number of 0,000, which means that learning motivation has a significantly positive correlation with Economics learning achievement in Bogor District Public High School. This is supported by several research results showing that degree motivation is an impulse that moves a person to achieve goals in achieving results for actions taken with self-confidence (Fasikhah & Fatimah, 2013)

  • Based on basic competencies calculation, it is stated that the contribution of Learning Motivation in increasing Economic Learning Achievement by 31.08%

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Data description of this research is shown in Table 1. Table 1 explants that the lowest value of learning motivation is 55 and the Economics learning achievement is 67 as the lowest value. While the highest value of the learning motivation scale is 87 and the Economics learning achievement has the highest value of 98. The standard deviation shown by the results of economic learning achievement is 6.668 which means the distance of data from Economics learning achievement values has the same distance between categories of 6.668. of Economics learning achievements of students of Bogor Regency State High School is described at Figure 1. The distribution data shows that data from Economics learning achievements are normal. Pre-requisite Test Testing linear regression analysis, both simple and multiple linear, must meet several analysis requirements. The analysis requirements are as follows: (1) Samples in the form of data pairs X and Y must be taken randomly and meet the minimum sample. (2) A good regression model between variables X and Y is that there is no perfect correlation between free variable in a way to detect the presence of multicollinearity. (3) A good linear regression is the point of spread is not patterned by heteroscedasticity test. (4) The form of regression is linear. The first requirement has been fulfilled, because the sample of this study was taken randomly with a sample size of 60 students. Meanwhile, for testing the analysis requirements must be tested based on the analysis requirements above. Based on the results of the data description, in this study we will present several results as follows. Heru Sriyono & Lucky Nindi R. Marfu’i/ Dinamika Pendidikan 14 (2) (2019) 168-177 Table 2. Test of Normality Based on Table 2, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test can be concluded: the K-S Z sample value of the Disciplinary variable is 0.637 with a significant probability of 0.811> 0.05 which indicates that the null hypothesis is accepted or that the learning motivation variable is normally distributed. The K-S Z sample value of Learning Motivation variable is 0.863 with a significant probability of 0.447> 0.05 which indicates that the null hypothesis is accepted or that the motivation variable is normally distributed. The K-S Z sample value of the Economic Learning Achievement variable is 0.763 with a significant probability of 0.606> 0.05 which indicates that the null hypothesis is accepted or that the learning motivation variable is normally distributed. Test of Heteroscedasticity This test is intended to test whether the regression model of residual variance inequality occurs between observations to other observations. If the variant of residuals is fixed, then it is called heteroscedasticity and if heteroscedasticity differ. The following Figure 2 is the result of the heteroscedasticity test. Based on Figure 2, the heteroscedasticity test result shows that the residuals and data points are spread, not collected and the points of distribution are not patterned, so the results can be said to be multiple linear regression free from the classical assumptions of heteros- Test of Linearity Linearity test is performed to see whether the regression equation Y = a + bX is linear. This analysis used the SPSS program for Windows 23.0. To determine whether the regression equation is linear or not is by looking at the P-value coefficient in the deviation from linearity row, if the P-value coefficient is greater than the 0.05 significance level, the regression equation is linear. Conversely, if the P-value coefficient is smaller than the 0.05 significance level, then the regression equation is non-linear. Following is the table of the analysis results of the regression linearity test carried out using SPSS version 23.0. From Table 3, it is known that the Deviation from Linearity row has a sig value of 0.931> 0.05, it can be concluded that the form of the Economic Learning Achievement regression equation for learning motivation is linear. Hypothesis Testing From testing hypotheses obtained that the Sig value = 0.001 and the value of t-count = 4.524, while the t-table value = 2.002. Because the Sig value t table then H0 is rejected which means that there is a significant effect of the independent variable X1 (Learning Motivation) on the dependent variable Y (Economics Learning Achievement). Based on the test results it is stated that there is an effect of the Learning Motivation variable on the Economics Learning Achievement variable. Each increase in one unit of learning motivation will be followed by an increase in learning achievement of 0.332 units. Based on the calculations stated that the contribution of learning motivation in impro- F Sig. 3.633 a. Predictors: (Constant), Motivation Source: Processed Primary Data (2019) Heru Sriyono & Lucky Nindi R. Marfu’i/ Dinamika Pendidikan 14 (2) (2019) 168-177 Table 5. Correlations Analysis

Motivation to Learn
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